DRG and PRG- Holiday Climbing!

I headed back home to the Philadelphia area over break to see family and friends for the holidays. This was the first time I had been back in town while into climbing so I was excited to check out the gyms in the area.


The first gym I went to was the DRG (Delaware Rock Gym). I had been there once before back in high school but at the time I was less than impressed with climbing so I did not have a feel for the place. I was able to climb with one of my good friends Greg who has been climbing since we were in high school together. He tried to get me to climb with him a few times and I was pretty convinced it was shenanigans. So Greg, myself and a group of other friends I have not seen in years all went to the gym. Those who climb with me at the Red Barn will be jealous to hear that there was heat AND bathrooms! We chose only to boulder and at that gym I was able to flash v-3 and climb v-4 which felt pretty good!

The awesome PRG

Ian on the sexy climbers poster

A few days later, a group of us went to the PRG-Philadelphia Rock Gym (they have really gotten creative with these names…) which is my sister’s boyfriend’s primary climbing gym. This gym not only had heat and bathrooms but in the women’s bathroom there was a poster of sexy male climbers for your entertainment. I definitely freaked out the other girl in the bathroom when I giggled with excitement to see that my friend who climbs at the Red Barn was on the poster! Ian Irving is a pro-climber but this was the first I had seen of his “pro-status”.
At the PRG I was bouldering V-3 and flashing 5.8 and climbing the 5.9+ pictured below.We had an awesome time at the PRG and it was definitely one of the highlights of my holiday.

My sister, Erin and I watching the boys climb.

My boyfriend on a 5.9

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